
A website should be accessible to everyone. For this reason, all websites should meet certain functional, technical and editorial accessibility requirements. We ensure this website is fully accessible through various procedural measures.

Accessibility by design

Accessibility is the guiding principle for all steps in this website’s design, construction and editing process. As of mid-2020, the same applies to documents.


Independent specialists regularly test our website’s accessibility, from a functional, technical and editorial point of view. Lasting solutions are found for any issues identified.

Accessibility declaration

Under the Digital Accessibility Temporary Decree, government websites must comply with the accessibility requirements laid down in EN 301 549 / WCAG 2.1, and must demonstrate accountability in a published accessibility statement.

The CAVV has published an accessibility statement in the register established for that purpose.

Status toegankelijkheidslabel van Adviescommissie volkenrecht (CAVV). Volg de link voor de volledige toegankelijkheidsverklaring.

Parts of website that do not meet accessibility requirements

Old documents have not been modified to comply with the accessibility requirements.

Reporting accessibility problems

If you have any questions or comments, or want to use a page that is inaccessible, please contact us.